
Artiste à temps plein. Apprécie la lenteur et la simplicité.

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[001] Programmes

* edit - simple text editor
* clic - command line interface companion
* todo - simple task manager
* gmip - gemtext presentation tool
* numworks-games

En cours :
* grid - spreadsheet calculator
* cc - C99 compiler
* os - operating system

[002] Blog

* in the Building a graphical multi-user spreadsheet editor in Zig series:
    * Managing signals in a multithreaded environment
    * Designing the client architecture
    * Laying the foundations for the data model
    * Trying out multithreading
    * Building a graphical multi-user spreadsheet editor in Zig, introduction
* Accord mets et vin PAPSxMagnum
* Profession de foi
* De la vérité
* Des biens communs
* Contre le middle management

[003] Art ASCII

* shadoks
* jattelik
* jattelika
* mini_jattelik

[004] Autres projets

* prepa
* while-lang
* tipe
* info
* 42
* syracuse
* sql

[005] Liens

* GitHub
* LinkedIn
* Contact : arthur@jacquin.xyz